We’re on the verge of segregation again. One that we–majority and minorities alike–will volunteer for. Social engineering and identity-driven consumerism are paving the way for the mass partitioning of this country.
In the not-too-distant past, segregation was marketed to the population with the “separate but equal” doctrine. It was sold as a solution in the best interests of all. Southern pragmatism.
The hard-fought victories of The Civil Rights movement have made Jim Crow segregation a hard sell in the 21st century. Aunt [Canceled] syrup isn’t available. The product has only been collecting dust, though. It’s not expired. Social engineering will rebrand it. Social media will continue to exacerbate and exaggerate the misperceptions of marginalized communities so they will continue to be demonized.
Followers and likes are our scales of justice now. Populism rules. This country is no longer influenced by ethical journalism or guided by rational debate. We are a nation controlled by marketing and social media driven popularity fetishes. We love marketing so much we’ve become its servants. The most devoted to the cult call themselves influencers. There’s millions of people trying to selfie-swing you into taking their side. Don’t like what they’re selling you? Hit mute.
Truth Social for Republicans. Blue Sky for Democrats. We’re sold cars based on how we vote. Chicken Sandwiches, too. We’ve been conditioned to select and purchase ideas from the shelf rather than develop them ourselves. We get our morality from the drive through menu. Starbucks doesn’t reference Christmas on its holiday cups. Marketers know the power of changing packaging to sell more of the same shit. Just make sure to segment the population accurately and it sells itself.
Welcome to the new system of ideological segregation. No, they can’t force you to live separately because they don’t like the way you look, fuck, or get fucked up. To be rid of you, they will convince you that you aren’t safe being exposed to people with differing political, religious, or cultural perspectives.
And who are they? The people you’ve been warned about, of course. The ones who would deny and devalue everything you hold dear. The Pepsi to your Coke. We must be careful about what they are doing. Their ideas are dangerous. This is the “Separate and Safe’ doctrine. If they can’t legally ask you to leave they can offend you into choosing not to stay and, eventually, never returning.
Then you might stage a protest in front of their coffee shop because they support Israel. But instead of harming their business, hordes of sympathizers come along to fund their ideological Alamo. So you stick around until someone funds you. A siege ensues.
Then the fires start. That’s not good for insurance companies. That’s not good for banks. That’s not good for stockholders. That’s not good for the gander.
Birds of a feather MUST flock together.
Ideological segregation will save us from each other—it’s pragmatic. It works best when you choose not to enter places you're not welcome in the first place. In the past, the sign said, “Whites Only.” Today, it says, “Closed on Sundays.” Or, “In This House We Believe…” And remember, the segregation of the future is a mutual separation—a “No-Fault” divorce. We simply wish to live harmoniously amongst like-minded people. Aren’t we constitutionally entitled to the pursuit of happiness?
It’s not just about race anymore, either. It’s about taking one large, unruly herd of lower class citizens and segmenting them into smaller, more docile populations. Herd mentality has no tolerance for mavericks.
Idealogical segregation is a system of government meant to pacify us for the ease of population control. Homogeny as a preemptive conflict resolution. If we all agree, what’s there to fight about? Go to work and consume products in peace. Don’t cost the insurance companies too much money. They would tell you what to drive, where to live, and how to eat. When to breed.
My latest novel, “A More Perfect Union,” is set in a United States that has mandated that each state be a political fortress belonging to one of the two governing parties. If you aren’t Republican, you can’t live in Texas–but you can visit the approved tourist attractions. Don’t like the plastic straws they have at Texas Roadhouse? Go back to Oregon, where they are outlawed. Plastic and Texas Roadhouses. Mess with Texas too much and your travel pass will be revolked. They will put you on the next plane to Portland, at your expense, at gun point.
It’s still one country, though. We share one federal budget. One interstate system. One military. The country has chosen “segregation before war” following the era of political climates that led to widespread acts of violence between citizens.
Civil War is bad for business. The oligarchy doesn’t think in terms of Red and Blue. Sure they may wear those colors for public appearances, but make no mistake, they think green. Or gold. Platinum. Bitcoin.
Imagine how much more profitable consumerism can be when everyone relocates according to their marketing segment. The first step is convincing them that their purchases express their identity.
Why? So that those who are in power can stay there. The oligarchy must invent new methods to convince the population to fund and defend their empires. The name of the game changes though the eras, but the arrangement never changes.
It’s always crowded at the bottom.
Wanna know what happens to citizens who won’t conform to binary politics?
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