Can we end conflicts and solve issues by self-segregating according to belief systems? Is it responsible to declare politically the lines we draw as the lines between good and evil? To declare something evil is to advocate for its destruction. What if someone you love is standing on the “wrong” side?
Folks have posted resolutions to cut off people who aren’t actively or overtly taking sides over the conflict in Gaza, among other headline issues. This scares me. People I enjoy may stop interacting with me because I choose not to display allegiance to specific causes like a meritorious scout wearing badges on their uniform. Pick a side or be despised by both, I am reminded.
So, what’s the point? I want you to understand the purpose of G.A.’s Election Journal 2024. It’s catharsis, partly. I’m not here to shame anyone for being a passionate political party member. I BELIEVE IN YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO DO SO. No law or rule will be able to prevent like-minded individuals from seeking each other out anyway. But, I do have questions for the people resolving to shun people based on differing viewpoints:
G.A.: Sup, what’s your resolution this year?
PARTISAN: In 2024, I will leave behind people who don’t support [insert cause]!
G.A.: Would you leave behind your mother if she doesn’t support the cause?
PARTISAN: I haven’t talked to her in years. I can’t stand my parent's value system.
G.A.: Okie dokie. Would you shun a friend if they voted against your platform?
PARTISAN: How could they be my friend if they don’t support my values?
G.A.: Would you continue a relationship with somebody if they agree to suppress a significant part of their identity that offends your sensibilities?”
PARTISAN: Sure. They are free to believe whatever they like as long as they can stay quiet.
G.A.: Would you stay quiet in the middle of a crowd of people who strongly disagree with your beliefs?
PARTISAN: Never! It’s my mission to disrupt [them]s! I’m outraged by their silence surrounding [issue]!
G.A.: Righto, congratulations on your integrity and bravery. You’re qualified for revolution. Grab your flag and ready for the march.
And remember, flags were designed for battle. Colors and symbols distinguish combatants on the field. This way, you only kill the people you are supposed to kill. And they aren’t people, right? They are your enemy. If they aren’t defeated, the world is in peril. Election season is rife with this reasoning. The “Kill” word is left out, naturally. But the dehumanization of the opposing side will be enough to agitate extremists into spontaneous violence.
Listen for the calls to assemble in mass, carry signs, and commit petty crimes in the name of civil disobedience. Beware of escalating language. I believe in our right to assemble, but be honest about your motives as well as those of the group you’ve joined:
What do you wish would happen to your opposers if they aren’t converted?
Do you believe the opposition poses a threat to your safety?
Is there anything your group might ask you to do that will make you want to leave?
Will you suppress any of your beliefs to belong?
Are your methods affecting positive change, or is it a show of force and intimidation tactic?
You better know how far you are willing to go before joining the ranks. In some cases, when we decide to leave something, there are people with guns at the doorway preventing us. I pray that none of us have to die to get off a bandwagon.
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