I will not shun you or turn you away for thinking differently than I do but don't expect me to change to keep your company.
As I work through the final draft of my novel, I have software that warns me that my word choice may offend people. I ignore it. Grammarly is now in company with a slew of other people whose sensibilities are offended by my non-conformity. I'm succeeding as an artist if my words evoke an emotional response. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read or listen to my art and share their thoughts–no matter what they are. Words are incredible. God is a word.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”
John 1:1 KJV
Aside from the theological significance of this passage, John demonstrates that communication and creation through standardized language places humanity in a different strata than all other life forms on our planet. If God creates us in His image, we are also the Word. God creates by speaking things into existence. Everything we create—or destroy—begins with processing our desires into requests, plans, or statements that are understood by our intended audience.
Words have awesome power, so don’t be surprised if more effort is made to control words than guns, sex, and drugs. If someone can control what words you say or think, then managing your actions is no great challenge.
Churches, political parties, and corporations prioritize guiding their subordinates on what should or should not be said. This is done to make the members of any organization effective “disciples” who bring in new converts and customers and ensure that those new acquisitions don’t leave. If people go, so does the money. If the congregation shrinks, so does its ability to influence. You’ve got to keep everyone marching in the same direction.
First, it’s the carrot: If you don’t say or do these things, you’ll get a reward—heaven, blessings, raises, praise—and we’ll love you, and we want to give you good things.
Then it’s the stick: If you start acting like THEM, we will be very disappointed. You’ll be hurting us. If you love us, you’ll be like us. If you do what THEY do, we will chastise you because we love you, of course! We must be sure everyone is following our rules so that we can achieve our mission. Of course, we love and value you as a person, but the organization is more important than any individual. If you keep saying or thinking scandalous, unacceptable, controversial—words—you will be banished or ostracized until you act right. Cancer must be cut out to preserve the body.
Words kill. Ideas are dangerous.
Say the wrong word, and your grandmother might tell you you’re bound for Hell.
Say the wrong words and your friends might get nervous about being associated with you.
Say the wrong words, and you may be publicly executed…
By a firing squad…
By a bomb in your place of worship…
By a group wielding machetes…
On a cross.
The people who agree with your words will call you a hero. A martyr. A saint.
The people who disagree will drag your body and name through the mud. Your death will be justified.
No wonder people are terrified to be authentic.
No wonder children stop talking to their parents.
No wonder people stay silent.
Be yourself and expect to be judged. Judgements are the precursor to execution or exoneration.
My upcoming novel, A More Perfect Union, explores the psychological consequences of living in a society that demands you declare an allegiance, become a model member of your allegiance, and help police the thoughts of everyone in your group.
I love people. I love people who adhere to different philosophies than I do. I’m tired of being told I should take sides. As a result, I’m the loyal supporter and friend of a small group of people and the enemy of most large organizations–even the ones I belong to. If you are in the same situation, you'll find solace in my literature. You are not alone, but you are definitely a minority.